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If you have a double chin — extra flesh or a fold below your chin — you may be self-conscious of your appearance in real life and in photos. But you don’t have to live with that embarrassment. Here are the top five ways to get rid of a double chin. Learn about both surgical and nonsurgical options to eliminate a double chin so you can pick the one that’s just right for your needs.

Facetite + Necktite

Facetite + Necktite is a skin rejuvenation treatment used in the chin area and along the jawline. It firms and tightens the skin with the added bonus of stimulating collagen, one of the building blocks of skin that makes it look and feel more youthful.

At her Beverly Hills practice, Dr. Sarmela Sunder typically pairs Facetite + Necktite with submental liposuction for the best results. This type of liposuction removes fat just under the chin and on the jaw for a more sculpted, less saggy appearance.

Venus Legacy™

This procedure helps patients reduce loss of skin elasticity that accompanies aging, as well as pockets of fat that can contribute to the double chin effect. Venus Legacy has multiple benefits including the following:

  • It’s pain free.
  • It uses a magnetic pulse instead of lasers, so it can be done on any skin type.
  • It triggers collagen and elastin synthesis in the dermis layer to help preserve results.

Treatments usually involve eight sessions about a week apart. Maintenance sessions are often recommended to keep up the look you get with the treatment. If you like how this method works for your double chin, good news! It has applications to most other areas of the body for similar results.


Also known as Ulthera, Ultherapy is a relatively new procedure that uses ultrasound technology to firm and tighten skin under the chin and on the neck. Thermal energy also creates mild heat that helps build new collagen in the area for toning.

You’ll appreciate that this is a fairly short procedure — around an hour or sometimes even less — and it uses the body’s own healing mechanisms to produce the desired results. Patients typically see minor changes right away, with a larger transformation coming after two to three months.


The Profound Lift is a nonsurgical facelift that creates the perfect trifecta for smoother and more elastic skin with less sagging and better texture:

  • Collagen
  • Elastin
  • Hyaluronic acid

Patients like the Profound Lift to get rid of a double chin because it offers a noninvasive alternative to surgery, which is appreciated if they don’t have the downtime or can’t undergo anesthesia for medical reasons. Say goodbye to sagging jowls and loose skin under the neck and welcome a smoother and more contoured chin!

Neck Lift

For long-lasting results of up to about 10 years and a more radical transformation, a neck lift may be what you’re looking for. This is a surgical procedure that we perform in our Beverly Hills under either general anesthesia or local anesthesia with sedation.

Sometimes a neck lift to remove a double chin is performed in conjunction with a facelift for a completely new look all at once. A neck lift alone takes approximately two to four hours from start to finish.

How does a neck lift procedure work?

  1. An incision is made below the chin (platysmaplasty) and/or behind the earlobes. The incision loops behind the ears and terminates near the back of the neck (cervicoplasty).
  2. Sagging skin is removed and lifted.
  3. Loose muscles that result in “neck bands” are tightened.
  4. Sometimes liposuction is used to remove fat before the neck lift procedure.

After your neck lift procedure, you may have some swelling and bruising for a week to 10 days. You’ll have to keep your head elevated, even when sleeping, and minimize twisting and turning movement as you heal.

Patients usually return to their day-to-day activities after about two weeks, although they should refrain from strenuous exercise or labor for a month to six weeks. We always give patients detailed recovery instructions so they get the best results with the least amount of discomfort after a neck lift.

Schedule an Appointment with Dr. Sunder Today

It can be tough to know which procedure to get rid of a double chin is right for your unique concerns. Dr. Sarmela Sunder welcomes the opportunity to consult with you to choose the best method for eliminating a double chin. Dr. Sunder is always at the forefront of facial cosmetic procedures, and she’s double-board certified, meaning her standards of care are the highest you’ll find.

Call Dr. Sunder’s office at (310) 765-5110 with your questions, or reach out online today to schedule your appointment.

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