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For many patients, the aging process can significantly transform and distort the facial expression, altering the way that emotions are conveyed to others in the world. When the brow and forehead succumb to sagging, volume loss, wrinkles, furrows, and folds, it can result in an angry, sad, or fatigued appearance. This can have serious implications for the patient’s social life, relationships, career, and everyday interactions. 

In this blog, our team at Sunder Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills will explore the ways in which a brow lift can restore not only your appearance but also the quality of your nonverbal communication with friends, family members, partners, and co-workers.

Understanding Brow Lift Surgery

A brow lift is performed to elevate sunken brows, smooth away forehead furrows, and erase troublesome frown lines. Together, these concerns can create a stern, unfriendly countenance that may be off-putting to others. Even when a patient is in the best of spirits, they may appear angry, disgruntled, depressed, or exhausted due to age-related changes in the upper facial region. 

There are various types of brow lift techniques, and your provider will choose the best option based on your unique needs, goals, and preferences. Brow lift types include the following:

  • Coronal/traditional/open brow lift – With this approach, your surgeon will create a long incision that stretches across the scalp, with scars hidden within the hairline. This allows your provider to lift the forehead skin and reshape the underlying tissue and muscle. Your doctor will remove excess sagging skin and ensure the eyebrows no longer droop or interfere with proper vision.
  • Endoscopic brow lift – Here, your surgeon will insert a tiny camera called an endoscope through small scalp incisions. This allows for a high degree of accuracy and visualization when refining the upper face. Specialized instruments are used to elevate sunken contours. This approach is considered less invasive than a conventional brow lift and comes with less scarring and downtime.
  • Temporal brow lift – A temporal brow lift is performed by creating two smaller incisions near the temples stretching into the hairline. The doctor is able to smooth the outer portions of the eyebrows, creating a mild lifting effect in the forehead.

The Benefits of a Brow Lift May Surprise You

Brow lift surgery comes with a wide range of impressive benefits, some of which may not immediately come to mind when you think of this plastic surgery staple. After a brow lift, you may see a totally new person in the mirror – someone who looks friendly, inviting, happy, and well-rested. This can cause a powerful shift in your confidence, which you then carry out into the world when you interact with others. Seeing you at your best, other people may respond more positively to you in social and professional situations. Your friends and loved ones may also have an easier time understanding how you are feeling, as your facial expression now matches your inner state of being.

The brow lift procedure offers the following key advantages:

  • Eliminates forehead creases and lines
  • Elevates low-hanging brows
  • Improves field of vision
  • Reduces eyelid hooding
  • Corrects brow asymmetry
  • Improves balance and harmony among the features
  • Refreshes the facial expression
  • Brightens the smile
  • Enhances nonverbal communication
  • Creates a friendlier, more inviting appearance
  • Boosts self-esteem and self-confidence
  • Projects more positivity and energy
  • Makes patients more approachable

How to Tell if You Are a Good Candidate for a Brow Lift

Now that you understand how a brow lift can transform your appearance and improve your interactions by projecting a friendlier, more energized version of yourself, you may be wondering if you qualify for the surgery. Below, we will explore who makes the best candidate for a brow lift in Beverly Hills.

  • Your brows are sagging – Whether due to age or genetics, drooping brows can negatively impact your facial expression, making you less approachable. A brow lift restores your appearance, refreshing your look by trimming excess skin, tissue, and fat.
  • You have frown lines and furrows in the forehead – Through repetitive facial expressions, sun exposure, and gravity, the forehead region may become plagued by wrinkles and creases that make you look older than you feel. A brow lift can create a smoother, more attractive-looking forehead.
  • Low-hanging brows are obscuring your vision – If sagging skin in the brows is interfering with your field of vision, you may be an excellent candidate for a strategic brow lift procedure. The surgery can improve your eyesight and elevate your overall quality of life.
  • People have a hard time telling how you really feel – If sagging skin and wrinkles in the brows and forehead have altered your facial expression and people perceive you as angry, tired, or sad, a brow lift can help. The surgery will improve the congruence between your inner good mood and your outer appearance.
  • You are a healthy non-smoker – To qualify for brow lift surgery, patients should be healthy non-smokers who are free from any uncontrolled medical problems that might compromise their recovery or their results. Most brow lift patients are between 40 and 60.
  • You have realistic expectations – Upon completing your private consultation with your plastic surgeon, you will have a clearer understanding of what is involved with a brow lift, how long the recovery is, how much the procedure costs, and what kind of results you can expect. Your plastic surgeon will ensure that your expectations align with what is possible in terms of rejuvenating and revitalizing your look.

Want to Learn More About a Brow Lift in Beverly Hills? Schedule Your Private Consultation Today!

A brow lift can have an impactful and life-changing effect not only on your appearance and confidence but also on your social, personal, and professional life. Instead of looking grumpy, tired, or dejected, you can look friendly, alert, rested, and energized, all thanks to the power of a well-performed brow lift. The surgery can help you to better communicate with friends, co-workers, and loved ones, who are now able to properly perceive the emotions you are expressing. 

Find out more today by contacting us at Sunder Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills. We can schedule you for a private, informative consultation that empowers you with hope for a more pleasing and engaging upper facial appearance.

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