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Everything You Need to Know About Neck Lifts

Sagging skin around the lower face and neck is a natural sign of aging. But for many, the appearance of excess skin is unwelcome. A neck lift can help you rewind the years and reclaim your youthfulness.

A neck lift surgery  is tailored to meet your unique needs and desired outcome and involves several procedures designed to lift, tighten, and smooth the area.

Find out more about this highly effective cosmetic surgery below. Please do not hesitate to reach out  to our experienced team for more information and personalized advice.

What is a neck lift?

A neck lift is a series of procedures undertaken to improve the appearance of the neck and lower face. Typically, a neck lift procedure includes two distinct components :

  • Cervicoplasty, which removes excess skin
  • Platysmaplasty, which removes or alters neck muscles

Depending on your circumstances and expectations, your neck lift may also include:

  • Liposuction, which removes excess fat
  • Botox, to reduce the appearance of fullness or neck “bands”
  • Other neck lifting techniques that use laser technology

A neck lift can be performed alone or alongside a facelift. You will be given either general or local anesthesia; if you opt for the latter, you will also be sedated to ease any nerves.

You must be in good health to get a facelift.

Why get a neck lift?

A neck lift is an effective cosmetic procedure that can eliminate signs of aging on and around the neck. Patients seeking to address the following concerns may undergo a neck lift:

  • Turkey wattle neck
  • Excess or sagging skin
  • Excess fat or neck “bands”

What can I expect from the neck lift procedure?

Surgery can be daunting. To help minimize your anxiety, here is what you can expect from your neck lift.

Before your neck lift

The process begins with a free consultation  with a trusted surgeon  They will evaluate your health and discuss your desired outcome and expectations. They will then create a personalized neck lift procedure designed to meet your specific goals.

During your neck lift

You will be administered with general anesthesia or given a sedative and local anesthesia. Either way, you will not feel any pain during the neck lift.

If undertaken as a stand-alone procedure, the surgery takes between two and four hours to complete.

After your neck lift

Following surgery, you will likely experience swelling and bruising. Your doctor may dress you in a special compressive garment that promotes comfort and minimizes recovery risk. You must keep your head elevated  and straight; you will not be able to twist or crane your neck.

How long does neck lift recovery take?

Swelling and bruising after a neck lift can take up to ten days to subside. If you follow your specialized after-care instructions, you should be ready to return to work within two weeks.

If you are physically active or participate in strenuous sports, you should wait for three weeks or more to resume activity. Giving your body time to heal and repair is key to achieving optimal results.

Does a neck lift leave a scar?

As with any surgery, neck lifts do come with a risk of scarring. Dr. Sunder works meticulously to ensure her patients experience a quick and comfortable recovery and minimal scarring.

What are the results of a neck lift?


As swelling and bruising diminish, your neck lift results will become visible. Remember, it may take weeks or several months  for the full extent of your results to appear, and six months for your incision lines to mature and fade.

Expect your neck to look rejuvenated, taught, smooth, and youthful. The area may be slimmer and more contoured. You may also notice that your face overall has a more restful appearance. Finally, your results may also help you regain your confidence and feel comfortable in your own skin.

Neck lift results are not permanent but can last up to ten years. Sun protection and a healthy lifestyle will ensure your results last as long as possible.

Schedule your free consultation

If you are ready to turn back the clock and invest in your self-confidence, a neck lift may be just the solution. This procedure minimizes signs of aging on the neck and lower face, creating a restful, youthful effect that influences your entire appearance.

Please schedule your free consultation  today to learn more about this remarkable procedure and get personalized advice tailored to your goals and expectations. We are all too happy to answer any questions you may have.

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