One of the biggest concerns in any surgery, but especially in a male brow lift procedure, is the appearance and location of the scar. Many surgeons perform forehead lifts in the traditional manner via a coronal incision, which runs the length from one end of the forehead to the other end. The traditional techniques require a portion of hair-bearing skin to be removed and cause the hairline to appear higher after surgery. Dr. Sunder performs her male brow lift using a minimally invasive endoscopic technique in our Beverly Hills clinic, with much smaller incisions camouflaged well inside the hairline. This approach works well for male patients, since Dr. Sunder understands that a man’s hairline may recede as he ages. In addition, when making the incision, Dr. Sunder utilizes specific techniques that limit hair loss around the incision.
Unlike women who have prominently arched brows, a distinctively masculine brow is only slightly arched or relatively flat. When performing a forehead lift for men, this is an important consideration to keep in mind. Maintaining the relatively horizontal shape of the male brow, as well as its position on the brow bone, are important factors to giving a man natural looking yet rejuvenated results. Another consideration in a male forehead lift surgery is to not leave a man with an overly smooth and shiny forehead. It is natural for a man to have some texture to the forehead. Dr. Sunder keeps these considerations in mind, along with any individual preferences or concerns each patient may have, in order to achieve a natural and fitting brow and forehead lift result for each patient’s face, personality, and lifestyle.